The Learn4Life project aims to assist and support people aged 16 upwards who would like to increase their employment, training or educational opportunities by delivering a range of related programmes, accessing specific pots of funding and supporting volunteering. Digartref receives funding to further enhance the prospects of people by offering advice in securing vocational training/part-time education.
Inspire is an Agored Cymru Accredited programme for people aged 16 upwards.
The programme provides not only employability skills, but also independent living skills to increase the chances of those engaging in maintaining a tenancy and therefore reduce the risk of future homelessness.
One major aim is to assist people in gaining recognised qualifications (Agored Cymru certificates, comparable to GCSE’s or NVQ’s).
Core subject’s delivered include: Tenancy Skills, Basic Employability Skills and Personal Development. The programme also consists of sessions delivered by external agencies. Inspire acts as a stepping stone into employment, further training or volunteering.
One to One
The learn for life project also provides one to one support to people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.
This input is designed to increase opportunities and offer support to access training, education, volunteering or employment therefore reducing homelessness by providing necessary skills to maintain independence.
Also some individuals may access one to one support for completing Agored units with the Learn4Life worker as support is geared to individual need.
The Agored units cover a range of subjects linked to tenancy and independent living skills, well- being, preparation for work and also practical and outdoor skills.
Telephone: 01407 761653
Email: enquiries@digartref.co.uk