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Housing and Homelessness Partnership Networking Event

Catrin Grant and Wendy attended the Housing and Homelessness Partnership Networking Event provided by the Housing Team of the Local Authority. As all mediation services are now funded by the Housing Support Grant (HSG), we were invited to this event to provide a presentation of our services (mainly mediation) to demonstrate how mediation can be a useful support service in preventing homelessness in both families and in tenancies.

A service user who kindly agreed to attend with us who read out a powerful speech on how services provided by mediation had helped her change her life. Her son also spoke about the positive effects he had seen in his mother, confirming the positive effects. We have received a lot of feedback from professionals including the Welsh Government representative present at the event who reported that our presentation really stood out and made a big impact on her confirming that Digartref’s homelessness preventative services can have an effect on situations before reaching crisis point.

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