Prisoner release service
Digartref Cyf offers an intensive support service to those released from prison and identified as having a history of repeat homelessness and being required to return to prison, ‘Revolving Door’ situations. This service works closely with the Probation & Prison Service as well as the Local Authority to identify which individuals require a high level of support up on release with the aim of reducing the risk of losing their home and returning to prison.
Mild Mental Health Support
Supporting beneficiaries through frequent contact, both over the phone and in person. Engaging in social activities through walks or extra-curricular activities (Wild Elements). Referrals to mental health services for further conversations about support (Mind).
Multi Agency Support
Networking to create a more entwined support network, forming a wraparound service that covers most of the beneficiaries needs. Requesting direction for additionality that would support the beneficiary (Local Authority, National Probation Service). Attending and engaging in MDT and IOM meetings to ensure up to date information and promote communication and shared goals.
Mild Substance Misuse Support
Honest conversations about drug use. Be in contact/referral to other agencies or support networks including SMS and harm reduction. Have awareness of recovery networks to refer if desired.
Housing Support
Support beneficiaries to source private accommodation and assist in the progression towards their goals. Engaging in property checks while in tenancies to ensure the quality of the accommodation is met and be the voice for beneficiaries in certain circumstances. Holding conversations and reminders, if necessary, about upkeeping of bills and utilities.
Organisational Support
Ensuring beneficiaries are aware and able to maintain commitments to appointments especially when working with a large network of agencies. Assisting to attend appointments and providing a warm reception for new services.
Financial support
Support with benefit applications. Encouraging life skills to promote autonomy. Signposting services when challenges such as debt, food concerns arise (Citizens Advice, Bwyd Da Mon). Utilising our networking to encourage work, volunteering or training opportunities (Digartref, Mon Cyf).