£12 will...
will provide meals for one week for someone who is Rough Sleeping

The Lighthouse Day Centre would appreciate donations of fresh food items, including; milk, bread, fruit, vegetables and meat

£150 could buy...
an essential household starter pack for someone gaining a tenancy of their own for the first time

£120 could get...
a rough sleeper pack for someone who is rough sleeping
“When I moved into the Supported Accommodation, I had nothing, I didn’t know how I was supposed to get any money or find anywhere to live. When I moved into the project, I was so grateful not only to have my own bedroom and bathroom but I had already been provided with bedding, towels, cutlery and some food to get me started. The staff and other residents were so welcoming and kind which eased a lot of my anxiety. Staff at the project helped me get some ID, set up a bank account and Universal Credit so that I would have an income. But not only that, I was able to have somebody to talk to on a regular basis and access to support and advice that I had never had before. I have been able to receive support for my mental health and feel like a completely different person from before I moved in. I was able to pass my college exams and have even been accepted in to university now to continue my education. The skills I have learnt since living at the project have given me confidence that I will be able to cope with living alone in the future.”
Coedlys Resident Feedback
"I moved to the house when I was 20. I had anxiety, depression and was terrified about what it would be like. We were in lockdown, mum’s was overcrowded and I had to move across the island. At first I struggled to come downstairs, but my support worker really helped me boost my confidence. I starting going out and got involved in activities. I loved the gardening, made friends with everyone and the staff were lovely. About 6 months I felt good enough in myself to apply for a job. I got it, and it was the biggest confidence boost of my life. Recently I was offered the chance to move to the bungalows. I was sceptical about whether I was ready and nervous about sharing with just one other person, but it was a great decision. I still pop into the office for a chat, but I’ve realised I can manage on my own. I’m about to move on to my own flat. Things with my family are far better. We’re so much closer– we speak regularly and we’ve booked a holiday together."
Llys y Gwynt Resident Feedback
2023-2024 Statistics

Total Number of Referrals
Lighthouse Day Centre

Total Number of Referrals
Supported Housing for 16-24 year olds

Total Supported by the Collaborative Outreach Team

Referrals for Mediation & Family Led Intervention

Certificates awarded through the Inspire Project