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Do you know where you're staying tonight?

If you're sleeping rough, risking staying with strangers or think you've outstayed a welcome from friends or family, contact us today.
01407 761653


£12 will...

will provide meals for one week for someone who is Rough Sleeping

Volunteers Packing Food


The Lighthouse Day Centre would appreciate donations of fresh food items, including; milk, bread, fruit, vegetables and meat

Moving Day

£150 could buy...

an essential household starter pack for someone gaining a tenancy of their own for the first time


£120 could get...

a rough sleeper pack for someone who is rough sleeping

“When I moved into the Supported Accommodation, I had nothing, I didn’t know how I was supposed to get any money or find anywhere to live. When I moved into the project, I was so grateful not only to have my own bedroom and bathroom but I had already been provided with bedding, towels, cutlery and some food to get me started. The staff and other residents were so welcoming and kind which eased a lot of my anxiety. Staff at the project helped me get some ID, set up a bank account and Universal Credit so that I would have an income. But not only that, I was able to have somebody to talk to on a regular basis and access to support and advice that I had never had before. I have been able to receive support for my mental health and feel like a completely different person from before I moved in. I was able to pass my college exams and have even been accepted in to university now to continue my education. The skills I have learnt since living at the project have given me confidence that I will be able to cope with living alone in the future.”

Coedlys Resident Feedback

"I moved to the house when I was 20. I had anxiety, depression and was terrified about what it would be like. We were in lockdown, mum’s was overcrowded and I had to move across the island. At first I struggled to come downstairs, but my support worker really helped me boost my confidence. I starting going out and got involved in activities. I loved the gardening, made friends with everyone and the staff were lovely. About 6 months I felt good enough in myself to apply for a job. I got it, and it was the biggest confidence boost of my life. Recently I was offered the chance to move to the bungalows. I was sceptical about whether I was ready and nervous about sharing with just one other person, but it was a great decision. I still pop into the office for a chat, but I’ve realised I can manage on my own. I’m about to move on to my own flat. Things with my family are far better. We’re so much closer– we speak regularly and we’ve booked a holiday together."

Llys y Gwynt Resident Feedback

2022-2023 Statistics

Total Number of Referrals


Lighthouse Day Centre

Total Number of Referrals


Supported Housing for 16-24 year olds

Total Supported by the Collaborative Outreach Team


Referrals for Mediation & Family Led Intervention


Certificates awarded through the Inspire Project



Service User Engagement Day

Digartref held a service user engagement day on the 26th of June to get some feedback and input for the design and décor of the planned redevelopment of the HEC. Digartref hosted some indoor and outdoor activities for our service users, with staff and some of our partners getting involved too!

For some people attending, this was their first time seeing the plans for the new Hub, and the new Day Centre specifically, and all were interested to see the intended improvements to space and facilities.

Using kind donations from local DIY and home improvement stores, we set up in one of the workshop rooms to consult with service users on some ideas for décor, including colours and flooring, as well as discussing what would make the space feel warm and inviting for those visiting.

Outside, service users and staff got stuck into some crafting activities curtesy of Wild Elements, creating some artwork to decorate the new Day Centre communal space.

Digartref would like to say a big thank you to all those who attended; it is through your input and ideas that we shape our services.

Grweiddiau Môn Roots Official Launch

The Gwreiddiau Mon Roots Project has been established to address homeless on the Isle of Anglesey. Funding from the National Lottery Community Fund has allowed Digartref to create a partnership seeking to support those at risk of homelessness on the island, support individuals in the revolving door of Prison and Homelessness and to Raise Awareness about issues facing those at risk of homelessness.

Digartref Celebrate Volunteers Week

The Lighthouse held a Volunteers day on the 5th June, in celebration of volunteers week, To show appreciation to our dedicated Volunteers of the Lighthouse as well as to our board of trustees who also attended.

Supported Housing Residents Go White Water Rafting

In August 2023, I along with 2 other staff members, took 3 residents from Coedlys and 2 residents from Llys Y Gwynt to Llangollen to experience white water rafting for the day. Once we arrived there, we were given a wet suit each and a life jacket. After we were kitted out with all our safety gear we were transported to the picturesque horseshoe falls. We carried the raft together with the instructor down to the water and went through some safety instructions along with some dos and don’ts. The instructor started showing us the actions he would be using whilst out on the water, we had 10-15 minutes to practice inside and outside the raft. Once everyone got the hang of it. We spent roughly 2 hours in and out of the water.

Breaking The Cycle

A persistent challenge that faces people who have no fixed address is they are unable to open bank accounts or access banking services. Without a bank account, they cannot receive an income or any benefits they may be entitled to, resulting in a cycle of homelessness through not being able to pay for accommodation or secure a tenancy.

In partnership with HSBC and Shelter, Digartref Cyf is proud to be part of the No Fixed Address (NFA) programme to support people that are homeless to access banking services.

Through the programme, Digartref can support people who do not have a permanent address or identification documents usually required to open an account to access basic bank accounts, enabling them to receive income and benefits, achieve financial independence, and help them on the road to securing accommodation, and along with continued support from Digartref’s dedicated staff, reducing the risk of further homelessness for that person.

Celebrating 25 years

Digartref celebrated its 25th birthday in January 2023.

Learn4Life Service Users Day Out

Learn4Life service users had a action packed day Go-Karting and Bowling

Easter Fun At The Lighthouse Day Centre

Service Users at the Lighthouse Day Centre we're very busy over the easter period. They took part in in varied activities which included creating their very own Easter Eggs.

Gwreiddiau Mon Roots 


Overview of the project

Digartref Cyf is the lead organisation of a partnership project that has received a 5-year funding grant from the National Lottery Community Fund.  


The Grweiddiau Mon Roots project will deliver a range of services alongside its partners that aim to prevent homelessness, and address the stigma and prejudice faced by homeless people.

 The partnership includes the following organisations:

  • Digartref Cyf – The lead organisation and responsible for coordinating this homeless prevention project. In addition, it delivers the ‘Revolving Door’ Prisoner Release Support Service and attends with partners the community drop ins/surgeries across the island.  

  • Bwyd da Mon - those attending the projects drop-ins/surgeries are given the opportunity to subscribe to the offer of £20 worth of food for £5. It runs a  “click and collect” service, whereby their members can opt to pick up their food parcels from a more convenient location rather than needing to travel.

  • CAB – provide an Integrated Money Advice Caseworker as well as generalist caseworker support in relation to debt, welfare benefits, budgeting and any other issues presented. Attends with partners the community drop ins/surgeries across the island.  

  • iCan - provides additionality in the provision of mental health services, in direct support of and in collaboration with MIND (Conwy)

  • Isle of Anglesey County Council - working closely with the National Probation Service and Digartref Cyf as well as the other partners, it identifies and refers suitable/eligible Prison Leavers into the service, enabling them to access a high level of support and reduce risk of losing accommodation and returning to prison. In addition, makes available to deliver drop in/surgeries, a range of community lounges across rural areas of Anglesey.

  • MIND (Conwy) - provide a mental health and wellbeing practitioner to offer 1-1 support, through regular support calls and face to face meetings. Mind can also offer counselling sessions to support those who require it.

  • Mon C F - provide support in relation to a person’s employment needs, offering mentoring, support with job applications, self-employment, start-ups, training and volunteering opportunities.

  • The National Probation Service – working closely with the local authority and Digartref Cyf, identifies and refers suitable/eligible Prison Leavers into the service to enable them to access a high level of support and reduce risk of losing accommodation and returning to prison.

  • Wild Elements - develop and deliver activities for those accessing the project that want to get involved in Arts & Crafts, a Gardening Programme, Training Programmes and Workshops as well as volunteering opportunities.

Who is eligible for  support from this project

You are eligible for support from this project if you are homelessness or identified as being at risk of homelessness regardless of any other factor. In addition, Gwreiddiau Mon Roots will aim to target those in rural areas of Anglesey, where there is likely to be hidden homelessness, people experiencing housing difficulties, who have little support and are at risk of losing their home for various reasons. 


What is being delivered by Digartref Cyf and its partner in this project.

There are 3 main areas of service being delivered by this project, with each partner organisation bringing its own specialty and expertise, ensuring person centred, holistic provision.


1. multi-agency drop-ins/surgeries and 1to1 support.

Digartref Cyf and project partners provide multi-agency drop-ins/surgeries across rural parts of Anglesey, utilising village halls and community centres. In addition, offering 1to1 support and advice sessions and home visits, providing specialist advice and related information, sign posting and onward referral where necessary.  


2. Prisoner release service

Digartref Cyf offers an intensive support service to those released from prison and identified as having a history of repeat homelessness and being required to return to prison, ‘Revolving Door’ situations. This service works closely with the Probation & Prison Service as well as the Local Authority to identify which individuals require a high level of support up on release with the aim of reducing the risk of losing their home and returning to prison.  

3. Addressing the stigma and prejudice faced by homeless people.

Digartref Cyf with the support of the other partners undertake activities and organise events that aim to reduce discrimination and prejudice directed at those who are homeless, targeting schools, colleges, public bodies, 3rd sector organisations, the wider community, community projects and services, the NHS etc.

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